Hello Friends!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I can’t believe we’re here. Before the holiday starts, I’d love to take a moment to fill you in with a long overdue update on the publication process of The Tigerbelles. It is 6 weeks to publication!!!

I have been in a marketing frenzy. There is a lot of talk in the writing community about the merits of independent vs. traditional publishing. Having done both, I can tell you definitively that whichever path you choose, the marketing is up to you. (I’m not talking to John Grisham or Stephen King, but to the mere mortals in the writing community who still have aspirations.) The major advantage I have seen to traditional publishing is the distribution and sharing of the upfront costs. Everything else is a very long and complicated list of pros and cons.
Since September when I last reached out, I have been digging in, giving myself an advanced degree in marketing, and building a team to help using the time-honored strategy of beg, borrow, and steal. I am begging other writers for tips and connections, borrowing lists and contacts, and stealing the marketing plans I see from others in my sphere. What I mean is that I’m casting a wide net here, unsure what exactly will work, and often surprised at what does and what doesn’t. I’ll give you some examples: a list that someone has built for a specific project that worked for them, doesn’t translate, but a simple introduction from a fellow author can open doors that seemed slammed shut.
In October I joined fellow members of the Women’s National Book Association in the Nashville Chapter at their booth for the Southern Festival of Books and the opening party Authors in the Round. Apart from the soothing balm of a few days with my dad and a few good nights of sleep in my childhood bedroom, the time was very productive in planning the official book launch events for the first week in January.
Here is where my outreach continues and I ask you, my dear friends who have been listening to me talking about this moment for years now, for your help!
If you use Goodreads, please mark The Tigerbelles as “want to read” This little step helps others to be able to find it
Pre-order your copy! This way you’ll be the first in line, and often the books arrive even before the publication date! You can pre-order through your favorite online bookseller, but if you go direct to Rowman.com you can use this code: LPTIGERBELLES24 for 20% off!
Write a review! If you’re unsure of what to say, the simple star ratings are a huge help, but even a line or two such as “I don’t normally read nonfiction, but I really enjoyed learning about the inspirational story of the Tigerbelles” or “reads like a documentary and I couldn’t put it down” or whatever nice things you have to say 😊 If you would like to get a sneak peek and write an early review, please reach out and I can send you a digital copy.
And now, some news to share!
Listen now to my conversation with Keep the Flame Alive podcast here:
Tuesday, January 2nd: Publication Day! I will be joining Brian Sebastian in conversation live at 5pm PST for his Movie Reviews and More that streams on all the platforms.
Wednesday, January 3rd: The official book launch will be held at Parnassus Books in Nashville where I will be in conversation with author, former journalist for the Tennessean, and historian, Dwight Lewis. Nashville friends, please join me!
Saturday, January 6th: Book sale and signing at Tennessee State University in the Gentry Center for the first Tigerbelles track meet of the year
Tuesday, January 16th: Boston Launch at Grub Street with Porter Square Books in conversation with Melissa Ludtke, author and former Sports Illustrated journalist who successfully sued MLB for female reporter’s access to the locker rooms.
Monday, January 22nd: Presentation at the Walpole Library at 6:30pm EST
Tuesday, February 13th: Presentation at the Norwell Library at 6:30pm EST
Dropping soon are conversations with Manuscript Academy and Karen Osborne.
More podcasts, library events, book store signings, and book club visits are being scheduled now – stay tuned for updates! And if you have an idea of a group that would be interested in learning about the Tigerbelles, whether your favorite local indie bookstore, your book club, or a local library, please let me know!
That’s all for now. Wishing you all the happiest Thanksgiving, and for some fun, food, and lots of love.
All my best,
Absolutely exciting!